Legal500 has ranked AYACHE for its activities in:
🚀 Private Equity: LBO
🚀 Mergers & Acquisitions
🚀 Banking & Finance
🚀 Tax
🚀 Competition / European Law
🚀 IT & Internet
🚀 Sports
👏 Congratulations to our ranked teams and the distinguished lawyers: Alain Levy, Bernard Ayache, Bruno Erard, David Ayache, David Puzenat, Frédéric Fuchs, Grégoire Zeitoun, Guillaume Seligmann, Gwenaëlle de Kerviler, Laurent Bibaut, Jacques Messeca and Olivier Tordjman.
And a special big up to Olivier Tordjman and Frédéric Fuchs who are recognized as leading individuals in their fields.
Olivier for his practice in Private Equity: LBO and Frédéric in Competition/ European Law!